Southeast Asia Art


The prehistoric, ancient, and medieval political subdivisions of the Southeast Asian subcontinent have little relation to the region’s modern nations—Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Nonetheless, their names will be used to keep our geographical bearings.

The art development in Southeast Asia started since pre-historical age. This can be proven with the discovery of daily use items such as weapons, bowls, pots, ornaments of bone and shell, potteries, large bronzes and a few items that are considered sacred with are used in religious ceremonies which are considered to be animism belief.

Initially, around the Southeast Asia region countries like Cambodia (Myanmar), Vietnam, Thailand and Malay Peninsula are known as land continent areas because it is located in land areas (Austroasia). Whereas countries like the Philippines, Indonesia and Borneo are known as Austronesia. The term ‘Southeast Asia’ came into use during the early World War 2 when the countries in this region were subject to attacks.
The development of art in Southeast Asia saw tremendous development after the coming and influence which was brought by religious such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. This can be deserved by the findings of many artifacts and architecture which refers or influenced by the identity of a specific religion. The variants in religion in Southeast Asia are mostly influenced by the people attitude. For example the people in the land continents are still want to protect their own belief if compared to those people who live territories who are more open minded in accepting other culture and influences. Those influences are mainly brought by those in powers or through the commercial activities.

Angkor Watt was built in the first half of the 12th century, during the reign of Suryavarman II 
(ruled 1113 – c. 1150)

Hinduism influence can be observed in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malay Peninsula and whereby the concept of Hindu god and goddess, about people and life as the main subject. Every building which was build refers to these concepts in Hinduism mainly based on building according to floors or storey and cells their dieters. This can be observed from the building of big temples in Angkor Watt Temple, Chandi Dieng, Chandi Prambanam, Chandi Lembah Bujang and others. These structures are clear proof that the early empire’s like Majapahit, Ayutthaya, and Dvaravati. Nevertheless these governments also used the language and the Hindu culture as a way of life.

Borobudur is a ninth-century Mahayana Buddhist monument in Magelang, Indonesia

After a short while, when these old governments collapsed, there were formation of new ones like Pagan, Champa, Sriwijaya, Mon-Dvaravati and Shailendra . It is in line with the development of Buddhism which until now practiced in countries like Sri Langka, Vietnam, Laos Thailand, Indonesia and Cambodia. The building of temples and Buddha’s statue can be seen as an integration of Hinduism through godly concepts and the good values in life. This can be proven through the discoveries of artifacts and buildings like Candi Lara Jonggrang, Candi Sari and Candi Borobudur.
Soon after, there was more new government coming up because of the internal conflicts in the old ones. At that time also there was widening of power of government in West Asia which also spreader the Islam through merchants who dropped by at Southeast Asia One of the government which firstly receive the Islam teaching was the Malacca Government which when it was the busiest port and the famous among merchants around the world right up to Europe. The influence of Islam could be detected through the Arabic writing which was transformed into the ‘jawi’ writing which was initially written in ‘khat’ writing which was the verses from the Holy Quran.
Some goes to carving motives which is from the Hindu and Buddha’s influence which was transformed to be more philosophical in the lives of the Muslim community in specific. Many of this kind of discoveries are observed in South Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Indonesia and Borneo Island. From the building aspects, the Islamic communities in Southeast Asia have embraced the Islamic elements in mosques, surau and not forgetting the palace and also their own houses. These influences can still be seen right up to today.

After the fall of  Malacca government in 1511 due to the Portuguese, this foreign government has widened its power not only through war but by introducing Christianity in Malacca. Those can be observed by the building like Stdyus, Fort Corwell’s, Fort Santiago and Fort Marggareta. As in Indonesia which was also influenced by Christianity from the Dutch and Philippines from Spain. The building of churches and statue of Jesus and St. Mary are the religious themes for some countries in Southeast Asia. Motives which are take from flora and fauna also the architecture which are on Christianity and its own other believers.

In conclusion, art in Southeast Asia has many characteristic because it was individually created from history, religion, society or own culture. The aspect of arts is a representation of many forms of life which pioneered the civilization and values of the people in Southeast Asia. The religious aspects are the main which forms the self confidence of the people with different beliefs and races. This aspect indirectly creates many different colors of life according to their own backgrounds. This can be seen through the creation of art shapes like worship places, designs and decorations for homes, attires also the type of culture which are practiced. All these are created following the belief of certain race, even though by facts the Asian race is actually one.

This can be seen in the usage of dialects or language which is the main proof that the Asian race especially in Southeast Asia are from he same area. This civilization changed due to other influences which cause a chase in the mind set and self confidence of certain race that have closed them to accept change especially in the art aspect only which they will be able to endure the ups and downs in life. This has directly caused the world to understand and research the arts in Southeast Asia in depth.

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